The key to a quality paint job is the quality of the preparation to the surface being painted. Surface preparation makes the difference between a 5 year paint job, and a 10 year paint job. We spend extra time power washing, chipping, sanding and caulking, in order to create a perfect service for the primer and paint to bind to. Quality surface preparation is essential for the proper finish, texture, and for the longevity of the paint job.
Right after the importance of quality surface preparation, is choosing products that are made with quality in mind. We use top of the line primer, paint, and caulk on every job. By stepping up in the quality of the products being applied, you can save hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in future paint failure cost. Paint failure often necessitates the removal of the old paint and the application of new paint.
Everything that applies to exterior home painting, also applies to interior home painting. However, in addition a strict attention to detail and cleanliness is required.